Friday, July 24, 2009

This Has Been Coming For A Long Time.

So after all this time, I've finally decided to write about movies.  For years friends have asked me to start some sort of column or blog about my movie thoughts, and I used to just tell them I didn't have time. Why? Because I was watching stuff. But I'm bored today at work, and I feel the stirrings of passionate writing within me, so time to let it all out. Only time will tell whether this becomes a regular thing or only a brief obsession.

Before I post my first real entry, let me take a moment to introduce myself.  My name is Gabe, short for Gabriel, and I'm currently a college student in California.  I originally hail from Pittsburgh, PA (City of Champions!) but I was born in Evansville, Indiana.  My family now calls Minnesota home, so I haven't been back to Pittsburgh in a while, though I hope to return sometime soon.

I can't really think of anything else to say about myself besides movie stuff.  Friends have called me "The Movie Encyclopedia" and "A Walking IMDB" because of my extensive knowledge of the most minute details of film history and random dates and facts.  But by no means do I know everything, nor have I seen everything, contrary to popular belief.  People will look up the most random movies or pump their fists in the air when they find out they've seen something I haven't.  That's about it for the introduction. Time for the first real entry.

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